The usual methods to deal with heavy metal wastewater are precipitation of hydroxide, precipitation of sulfide, oxidation-reduction, iron-exchange process and ferrimagnetisms etc, which can be used alone or together according to the water quality or quantity. 传统的水处理方法有中和沉淀法、硫化物沉淀法、氧化还原法、离子交换法和铁氧体法等,根据废水水质和废水量的不同采用不同的方法。
Polyaniline ( PANI) is considered one of the most multifunctional polymers, due to its low price, good conductivity, environmental stability and unique oxidation-reduction quality. 聚苯胺具有单体价格低廉、良好的导电性、化学稳定性和独特的氧化还原等特性,被认为是最有应用前景的功能聚合物之一。